Start your healing journey today by taking the first steps…

Thank you for your interest in working together! I am excited to learn more about you + your healing needs!

Here is a little about the ways in which you can work with me…

1:1 Coaching

This container is exclusive + is for women who want to do deep transformational healing with direct support. This work is tailored to you + your sacred needs. We explore different areas of your unique past + clear past life karma that manifests in this life’s childhood + more. This is an investment in yourself + your dreams, like having an exclusive jungle guide through the darkness you have been experiencing to your fantasy luxury retreat.

You get an easy-breezy genius, with intuitive wisdom + a trauma-informed background. All my offerings are high quality. The degree of your transformation depends on your readiness to shift + show up for yourself. You can have a better life + live with more peace, but it takes your dedication to being present with yourself + your inner experience. I want to help you release the wound-based blocks, activate your biggest transformations, + make the journey fun!

Apply Here for 1:1 Coaching in 6, 12, or 24 Session packages.

My Healing Expertise Includes: Spiritual Healing, Inner Child healing + Reparenting, Empath + HSP, Holistic life, Art Therapy, + Plant Medicine Integration.

Group Coaching

The next Golden Temple starts in December! This container is intentional + provides safety for women to explore themselves + each other through authentic + meaningful connection + community. Together we meet sacred parts of you + go on a journey to reclaim that magic within. We activate your heart + Soul to empower your most authentic expression of self to thrive!

I hold loving + non-judgmental space for all of you to exist + be accepted. Women have been healing in circles for hundreds of years + there is tremendous power + transformation that takes place in these gatherings. Together we reclaim the power of the alchemy that can take place when women come together with love. I help you reconnect to your greatest self over the course of 13 weeks.

Apply Here for my Group Program.

Why see Sarah Lustig for Spiritual Life Coaching?

Whether we work together in my 1:1 or group container, I care deeply about holding the highest integrity for the incredible women I have the pleasure to support. I have done my own trainings, coaching, + work in various ways over the years to show up with you as authentically as myself, while also doing so clearly, ethically, + with boundaries. Integrity is an important value of mine. My work is intentionally exclusive for this reason, to ensure I only work with those I can truly guide. The work I do is sacred + I am purposeful about who I choose to work with. This is especially true in my group container, to ensure safety is honored. I am dedicated to helping who I am meant to, which is also something I have honed throughout my years as a healer. If we don’t end up working together, it is not at all personal. I truly want what is best for YOU!

I have worked deeply on myself for over a decade to show up as a healer + leader with integrity. I have dedicated myself to my craft + becoming a master in my area. As such, the prices of my containers reflect the value of them + all you are getting when you work with a high-integrity healer, who is committed to my own expansion, as well as yours, + helping women thrive.

I want you to work with me because it expands you, uplifts, + excites you to bring healing to your life. I don’t want you to feel pressured or afraid. I don’t want you to ever feel you won’t heal or thrive if you don’t work with me. It’s simply not the truth. Your path will unfold as is right for you + I trust you to be guided to what it is you truly need to thrive!

If you are interested in my 1:1 container, click Here. If you are interested in my Group Program, click Here.

Sarah Lustig is a Licensed Therapist in Colorado and a Holistic and Spiritual Coach living in Asheville, North Carolina, which is Cherokee Indian Land. She is the owner of a Nurtured Essence, a healing and empowering space, aimed at helping women overcome their fears, past wounds, and live with more purpose, love, ease, and lightness. She specializes in working with soulful millennial women who identify as wounded healers, empaths, visionaries, creatives, and lightworkers.